Let's start with a story...
Once upon a time, there was a knight who, while going to visit the local lord, saw three stonecutters working, sitting side by side in the dust.
He asked them the same question in turn: "What are you doing? »
The first one replied: "As you can see, I am breaking rocks to earn a living".
The second responded: "I am a stonecutter: I am practicing my trade".
Finally, the third looked up and said with a broad smile: "I'm building a cathedral! Each stone contributes to the construction of a place of worship that will still be standing centuries after my death."
Define your Purpose & Align your Organisation
What is your cathedral?
The Problem
Your teams must feel like they are building "cathedrals".
This thought will inspire them to get up in the morning, knowing why they should care. They will feel proud and happy to lift mountains for their enterprise.
Every enterprise has an unchangeable purpose: this is the reason why it was created in the first place. Sometimes enterprises have a tendency to forget it and, year after year, it gets diluted to the point where it no longer exists, and teams what they are working for.
However, purpose is of the utmost importance: this is where strategic alignment and team engagement begin and end.
Now more than ever, it is important to remember what your "cathedral" is, to rekindle the flame and make it the lodestone of your strategy and entire value chain.
Your purpose, or "raison d'être", complemented by a clear mission and strategic ambition and authentic values will be your North Star, a motivating framework for autonomous decision-making by your teams, always in the interest of the company.
You need to communicate it to inspire and reassure your teams, give meaning to their actions and bring them together around a common, ambitious and motivating project.
Only the alignment of the entire value chain will enable you to achieve performance and commitment.
He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.
– Nietzsche
My Solution
Thanks to my knowledge of organisations, my mastering of creativity tools such as CPS (Creative Problem Solving), LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology and more, and my coaching background, I help you reactivate your true purpose and define your mission and your values.
Based on this solid foundation and an aligned strategy, I will help you define the organisational capacity and architecture you need to achieve performance.
For more insight on the subject, check out the Brain Food section.